Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ethan's First Birthday!!!

Today was Ethan's first birthday! He was on the news this morning for First Birthdays and went to daycare in his birthday boy shirt. He was so cute. We had him take watermelon for birthday treats because he LOVES to eat it!!! After dinner the boys ate cupcakes to celebrate! They both enjoyed it very much! Can't believe he is one already! We love and thank God for you everyday! Happy Birthday Ethan!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ethan's Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Ethan's first birthday, his actual birthday is next Wednesday, but we decided to have it earlier. We had family and friends over for lunch, presents, cake, and ice cream. We served lasagna, a salad bar, and bread sticks. Our theme was  a Husker Party since football season is coming up. We all wore Husker clothing and had a football cupcake cake! Ethan got many birthday presents. He got clothes, sippy cups, cars, and much more. He really enjoyed his cupcake and got green frosting everywhere. It was a great party, can't believe he is gonna be one! He is getting so big. Love you ETHAN!!
 Party invites!
 The Grandmas

 Some Family

 Ethan wanting to open some gifts
 Stevie was trying to give Brenden a car to play with and Brenden was being very shy. I was very proud of Stevie, he kept saying "play car." Melts my heart.

 Opening presents

 Our Family
 First time with cake!

 loving it!

 Getting muddy before nap time!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Blessing from God

Well...we are expecting again!!! We planned this and want all of our children close together, we hope to have 4 someday. On June 10, I took a pregnancy test and it came up positive!!! I was so shocked and immediately called Stephen to tell him. God is truly amazing, we came from doctors telling us that it wasn't going to be possible without the help of medication... to then conceiving them all naturally without the doctors help! It just goes to show how ALMIGHTY and POWERFUL HE IS!!
I am due March 15, but won't go past 39 weeks. I make big babies. I am pretty sure this baby is a boy. My reasoning is because I am craving a lot of the same food, but I have been having waves of sickness throughout the day. We will see, Stephen and I are thinking about not finding out until just depends if I can hold out that!  Below you will see a photo that our good friend April took, she does amazing work!! We sent out cards with this picture to tell our family members.
 Baby's first picture

How well does our garden grow?

Every few days we go out to our garden and pick the vegetables that are ready. We have tomatoes- regular and black (they look pinkish/purple and are much sweeter), cucumbers, peppers (a couple different kinds-Stephen is better with this than me), egg plant, carrots, spinach, grape tomatoes, and a pumpkin patch. We pick some of everything except the pumpkins. Stevie loves to carry the bucket and Stephen hands him the vegetables that he picks. It is so cute. Ethan and I mainly watch. All fresh and home grown!

Our grape tomatoes are yummy!!!!
 Ethan exploring the sand

 Our accidental pumpkin patch...look at the one below.

 Ethan wanted to help me cook dinner!