Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ethan doing shapes

Ethan did shapes today for the first time. He was able to do a few. I completely forgot we had this toy, I try to put some toys away and exchange them over time so it seems like we have new toys. Stephen pulled it ouf for him. He did amazing and was able to put a few in the right one! Way to go E!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Playing Ball

Stevie has been wanting to hit his baseball tee lately. The tee sets a little too high for him, but he still had fun with it. Stevie also has underwear on, this is his first day of potty training! He did really good, only two accidents!  Ethan roamed around outside. He really enjoyed playing around with the wagon.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ethan using a Spoon/Word

Ethan has been given a spoon a few times,but usually throws it. Yesterday he actually used it!!! He used his right hand and at one point used his left hand. Also this morning we came downstairs to hang out because Stevie and Daddy are still sleeping and we looked at a book. I pointed out a lot of the things in the book and said the name of them hoping for him to repeat one of them. He then pointed to Sister Bear and said Bear!!! He didn't have the full r sound, but it was the word. So proud of him. He does a lot of babble, but finally said his first word!!

 Stevie counting his goldfish!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ethan taking Steps

For the past month, Ethan has been taking a few steps here and there. The most he has taken has been 11! Of course every time I pull out the camera, he refuses to walk for me. I was able to get a few, but not many. Uggh! He is too cute walking though, sometimes he walks on his tip toes. I image that he will be a full blown walker here soon, it just a matter of time.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

6 Wonderful years of Marriage!

The night before our anniversary, we went out for a date night. Lesley and Drew watched the boys. For our anniversary gifts we always go with doing traditional gifts, this year was rod iron and candy. We decided to go to a candy shop to pick out some candy, dinner, and miniature golfing. We went to a new candy shop located in Westroads Mall called Candyopolis. I wanted to go to some local ones, but they were all down in the old market and everything that we were doing was off of Maple, so we just went to the one in the mall. We got some pictures of some crazy candy ideas and bought a pound of mixed candy of our choice. Yum! After that we went to Carlos O'Kellys (12 years ago Stephen took me there for our first date.) plus they had a TV so we could watch some of the game. Dinner was filling and yummy. We had a gift card to Putting Plus and I kicked Stephen's butt in golf. It was awesome! It was our first time being there, not a bad little place, but not CoolCrest. (Still wish that was a around) It was a good night. I am so happy to be married to Stephen, I love him more and more each day. I can't image my life without him, I am so blessed. He is the best father to our kids and I love watching him with them. I thank God for the man is and for blessing me with the chance to love and spend the rest of my life with him.

 Sixlets,which color would you like. They also had them for M&Ms


 Me kicking Stephen's butt. Love you My Love!!