Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

For NYE we had friends over for pizza and fun. The kids all had fun playing around with each other while we adults played a game called "Heads Up." It is where you try to get the person to guess the word on their forehead, we played boys against girls. It was a fun filled night. Can't believe another year has gone by already,  time is going so fast. I just want it to slow down. Very Blessed. Here's to a New Year!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas on the 26TH

For Stephen's Dad side we had Christmas at our house. We served prime rib, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, rolls, salad, and pie. It turned out pretty good. The boys got remote control cars, toy story helicopter, a garbage truck, and a crawl roller that makes music. A fun night of playing and eating.  Blessed!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

For Christmas day we stayed the night at Rick and Paula's. Walt had made these beautiful chairs for them as a Christmas present. Very comfortable! In the morning, we got up and began to open presents. The boys once again, got a lot! They got a 14ft trampoline, Husker clothes, socks, underwear, Superman toys, dart guns, and much more. We had a blast playing and hanging out throughout the day in our pjs. Paula cooked a wonderful meal of prime rib and many other fixings. Yum!! So blessed!!