Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pancake Benefit/ Stevie date

Tonight my school was having a pancake benefit for more books for our guided reading room. I was working it for a while tonight and I thought about taking Stevie to help me. He was extremely excited and helped me pass out silverware. He did a great job. We then decided to go get dinner somewhere else because the line was way too long. As we were leaving I asked him what he wanted for dinner, he said he wanted pancakes. I told him that it would be a long wait. He said ok and waited for 30 minutes! He didn't even complain. And also, I don't have a smartphone, so he wasn't playing on that either, he waited in line like a big boy!! So proud of him and he ate all 3 pancakes and 2 sausages.

Monday, January 27, 2014


The boys got a Car's tent from Grandma T. They loved playing in it, well Noah didn't really care to go in. He is all about moving around. E and Stevie loved it. Stevie said he was going to sleep in it and E hung out. Too cute!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

E puzzle time and Bath

While Stephen was upstairs doing learning time with Stevie, Ethan and I decided to do some puzzles. We have done them before, but this time I decided to take some pictures. The boys got these puzzles from Grandma Barb and Papa Walt for Xmas. Ethan really enjoyed doing them and would ask for help when needed, he is starting to figure them out. All in time. Stevie came down and helped on the last one. And Noah crawled around trying to take pieces here and there.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Noah is 10 months!!

Noah is 10 months! He loves to crawl everywhere! He also walks along holding on to furniture, he has stood for a couple of seconds. He loves to babble, eat, and play with the toys that his brothers are playing with which they don't like. He likes to eat cheese, bananas, and spaghetti. Can't believe he is already 10 months old, love him!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day!!

On New Year's Day we watched Lilo and Stitch, played Candyland, colored, and also played with all the new toys. The boys had a blast!