Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Art project

Today the boys and I worked on an art project. I am helping with a Gala and they need an art piece. Of course I have an idea and want to make sure that it will turn out. So why not have my boys try it out...? LOL. We all painted pictures and then let them dry. I cut them all into 1 inch strips with my paper slicer and then arranged them on 24" x 36" canvas. It turned out pretty cool. I still need to glue them down and paint a glossy or satin finish over the top. Love it. Hope it helps raise some money.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Surprise! BABY #5...WHAT?

Well, we got a surprise from God back in March....we are going to have another baby! Stephen and I were really shocked because we thought we were done.... I have gotten rid of all my maternity clothes and baby gear....we don't really have much except for the crib, that is because Josiah still sleeps in it. We are thrilled for our bundle of joy and know that God always provides. I am due in November and we will find out in July if it's a boy or a girl. I think it's a girl, but then again I have been wrong before...SO we will see. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. I have been very sick this past 6 weeks and just starting to feel better. I can't really have any tomato based stuff, mainly want rice with butter or ice cream, also loving fruit.  So excited and still a little shocked.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, we went to church and then Jimmy's egg for brunch. It was oh' so yummy. After brunch we went to Stevie's baseball game and watched him play. He had a good throw to first base. We then napped and had our movie night with me picking the movie. I chose "Wreck it Ralph"
Got some cute cards and flowers from them. Love my boys.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Swimming lessons

For the past 8 weeks, Stevie, Ethan, and Noah have been taking swimming lessons. They have done really well and will continue more lessons in the fall. We want them to be good swimmers. They certainly love the water.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Well, I am finally done with graduate school. I have worked so hard and finally finished...all while working full time and having 4 beautiful babies. Can't believe I am done. My mom, sister, and husband went to the ceremony, then we went to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch. It was amazing. I forgot to pick up my cap and gown, but thank God they had more at the Baxter Arena...my brain seems to be missing lately. I am very proud of myself and my hubby. We were able to do this without taking out a another loan, just did one class at a time and graduated with a 3.81 average. WooHoo!! Later that evening we had a party at the house; nacho bar and Gigi's cupcakes. I also got some pretty awesome gifts. So loved!