Thursday, July 28, 2016

Morrill Hall

Today we went to Lincoln to visit the grandparents. We went to Taco Inn for dinner and to Morrill Hall. They do a special thing is July where they stay open until 8pm on Thursdays. It was a great museum experience. The boys loved seeing all the artifacts.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sushi Date

Tonight we went to Hiro's for dinner. We got a gift card from Julie and Jason for watching their dog. We thought we better use it since we only have one child. Having one child at a restaurant is so much easier than Josiah tried some and wasn't too sure about it. It was so good! Love that place!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Stephen's Birthday!

For Stephen's birthday we stayed home and made steaks. Steve came over and we had ice cream cake. The boys were still in Iowa at the time, but got cake when they got back. Josiah enjoyed the special time. Can't believe he is 36, he certainly doesn't look it. Love him!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Going to Grandma Barb's and Papa Walt's house

For the week the older boys went to Bettendorf for vacation. They were really excited and had a blast. We drove them down there and they got to swim the neighbor's pool right away. Glad they got to go and have some fun. Josiah stayed with us and had a blast having just us to himself.