Saturday, January 15, 2011

Date Night!

Stephen and I finally went on a date night. It has been a long time since we went out. We have decided that we need to try and do a date night at least once or twice a month. Tonight we decided to go to La Mesa, a mexican restaurant here in Omaha. I love this place and even though it is not a fancy place, I wanted to dress up for my love.We had a great night, but didn't stay out too late, since I have been feeling sick this week and was extremely exhausted. But we got some quality time!
Stephen and I, we had a hard time getting this photo because we were laughing so hard at me being so picky.

 The babysitters! Grandma T and Sydney!
 My Love
 Me eating their yummy chips and salsa! I look so old in this photo- I need to get some wrinkle cream~ LOL

Got to love Mexican food! Yum!
Stephen and I decided not to go to a movie.We were so full from dinner, that we decided to walk around and window shop at some stores. We had a blast and found this "Jumbo recliner" that fits us both. So comfortable that I wasn't sure I could get out of it!