Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stevie meeting Ethan for the first time!

We sent Stevie to daycare for the day and thought it would be best for him to meet Ethan after a normal day setting. Introducing them was amazing to see for the first time. I am glad that my sister was able to take the pictures as Stephen and I watched this moment.

 He looks like he is going in for a punch...oh boy!

Hanging out with my boys except my Hubby is missing from this picture. :(

Introducing Ethan Isaiah

On Monday, August 29,2011, I was at school and having contractions. My contractions started to get about 5 minutes apart in the last hour and half of school, so I decided to call my doctor. She said for me to come into Lakeside Hospital and so Stephen and I headed there. At first we just thought it was false labor and then my contractions kept coming on stronger, my Doctor thought it was the beginning of active labor and decided to take me in for my c-section at 7:30pm. She could have sent me home, but I would have been back, so at 7:36pm Ethan Isaiah was born! He was 9lbs 3oz, which I figured he would be big and 20 inches tall. We are doing well and blessed to have him! He looks exactly like Stevie!
 Stephen and I before they prep me for surgery.

 They just started and I am all smiles!
 Getting Ethan out!

 Such a BIG boy!
 He looks so much like Stevie!

 Daddy and Ethan
 Mommy and Ethan

 Dr.Evans and us! She does great work!

 Ethan and his first sponge bath... he was not excited for it.

 Gotta wash the hair.

 Love these ones!

Meatloaf Concert!

Stephen and I went to the Meatloaf concert on Sunday night! It was amazing, Meatloaf was Stephen's first concert when he was little.  It was a fun concert for us to go to before we have the 2nd baby. The traffic was terrible and we had to park 13 blocks away and walk there and back to our car. I thought for sure that my water was going to break, but no such luck!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Doing Shapes

 Putting shapes into the right slot, this is something that we have showed Stevie over the last few months when he is interested in it of course. Lately he has been putting some of the shapes in the proper slot!! Go Stevie! He is doing so well with his motor skills, but still lacks in his speech. (Which is something that we are working on) Here he is doing some of the shapes!

 Trying to put the fish in the wrong way and then realizing it won't work that way, so he tried another slot.
 Eventually I showed him that he needed to put it in a different way by rotating it and pointed back to the fish slot. He then tried it again and got it right!
 Getting the circle one all by his self.
 He kept reaching back in for the shapes that he could do, it was so cute!

Playing Golf in the house!
I had to add this photo, the besties and their bellies!