Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dinner with Julie and Aaron

Last night we went over to Aunt Julie's and soon to be Uncle Aaron's  house for dinner. We ate yummy chili and cinnamon rolls. After dinner we all played Just Dance on the wii. It was  a fun night! Gotta love the Wii and some good ole chili on the becoming of winter.
 Stephen playing with all the kids; Gabe, Peyton, and Sydney. Stevie decided to watch.

 Stevie built this tower all by himself.. Go Stevie!!

 Messing around with Ethan. He will be 3 months in 2 days, can't believe my baby is getting so big so fast!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday Shopping!

Well, my husband went out on Thursday night with his Dad and they stood in line at Target. Target had a sale for a 46" TV for $298. Stephen and I decided that for Christmas we would get a TV for our room, well we thought we would get the 46" for the basement and move the other one up to our room. Steve and Stephen went to Target at 7:30 and waited until they opened up at midnight! Can't believe they waited that long, but they weren't the only ones in line, I believe he was the 20th person in line and when the doors open they allowed 30 people at a time and then 15 seconds later they allowed another 30 people in. Talk about crazy, but we got our TV!! Yeah!
 Measuring to put in mount

The wall before 
 and below is the old TV in our room.

Thanksgiving- Yutan!

After Crete we drove to Yutan to see some more family members. We headed over to Uncle Clay and Aunt Kris's house for more food, fun, and play. The boys took a nap on our way up there and we all looked at the ads to see if their is anything good to go out and get for Black Friday. Fun times with family!
 Look its Wyatt, holding baby Ethan!

 All the Stephens and Ethan

 I cut up some small pieces of ham, but no, Stevie had to eat it in one big slab. :) He was very picky on Thanksgiving, he would only eat ham and some corn.

 Being silly at  the table!

 Stevie dancing!


The night before Thanksgiving we went to Lincoln to see family. We visited with Rick and Paula, Rick turned 62! I of course forgot to take some pictures there, but I didn't really take any that night. We stayed with my parents and then drove to Crete,NE to visit family members. Uncle Gary and Aunt Linda live there, it had been a while since we had seen them. We ate good food, hung out, and the kids went to the park! Lots to be Thankful for, God has certainly blessed us all!