Saturday, November 12, 2011

Putting up the Christmas Tree!

I normally wait to put up the tree until after Thanksgiving, but I thought why not put it up early this year. I love our tree and think is so beautiful, plus this way it is up for longer than just a month. Stevie wasn't sure about it, he kept staring at it like,  "why is this in the house?" But once I started putting the ornaments on, he wanted to play with them, since some of them were red balls. We had to have a chat that these are "prettys" not balls. We also played with the children's nativity set that Grandma Teresa got him, I plan on putting it in the bay window for all to see because it is really cute, but Stevie loved it. He played with it for over an hour. Too cute! Ethan hung out and slept while I put up the tree. He is doing good,  his hearing checked out good, they want to double check everything again in Dec.
 Eating at Panera. He looks like he is saying, "You know I love bagels."

 All done and Beautiful!

 Ethan hanging out!