Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve!!!

Happy  New Year's Eve!!!! It is the end of 2012! We decided to stay home and order pizza from Valentino's. My parents and Micah came over for a little bit too. We ate pizza,  brownies with peppermint ice cream, played cars, tickle me Elmo, and watched a little bit of Alice and Wonderland. The boys had a blast! After they were down, Stephen and I enjoyed some Welsh's grape fruit juice and watched "The Dark Knight Rises." We cheers to a wonderful year of being married, to our kids' birthdays and growth, another baby on the way and the strength/ many blessings that God has given us over this year. We cheers to a wonderful year ahead with more blessings and sanity for the soon to be 3 boys in the household...LOL. Many memories have been made and many more to come!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Little Christmas

When we got home we got the boys ready for nap time while we put everything away. It took a long time since they had so much stuff! We set up the cars track and let the boys play with that before they opened their presents from us. Stevie got a spiderman action figure and Ethan got his Bible since he has been loving books. Stephen and I didn't get each other anything since we got iphones. It was an overly blessed Christmas. We are very lucky to have each other and such a wonderful family.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas day was celebrated at Rick and Paula's. We watched movies, ate cinnamon rolls, played Just Dance, played in the basement, opened presents, and ate a yummy dinner. The boys got lots of stuff again. They got portable DVD players for the car, clothes, cars, letter factory for letter sounds, toy music player, and much more. We had a wonderful time playing and hanging out.