Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we hung out with my side of the family. We went to Lost in Fun, the boys loved playing around there. Stevie loved to jump in the bounce houses and Ethan loved going down the slides. After that we went to Panera Bread for lunch and then the boys went to see Santa. Stevie walked right up to Santa and sat on his lap. He even let him take off his coat, he told him what he wanted a Spiderman action figure. Ethan was not so happy to sit on his lap. He cried and couldn't wait to get back into mommy or daddy's arms. After that we went to Grandma's house for a nap then it was time for dinner, Bingo and presents. The boys got a lot of stuff. They got Cars 2 race car track, shake-n-go cars, Finding Nemo DVD, pjs, games, and much more. They were completely exhausted by the end of the night.