Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ethan first foods-Green Beans!

Happy Leap Year Day!! Today Ethan turned 6 months and he had his first taste of food today...Green Beans. He didn't really care for them at all. He is not a fan of green beans, after a few bites he would refuse to open his mouth. Hopefully as he continues to try them this week, he will warm up to them. Time will tell.
 The boys playing together..too cute!
 Ethan being a BIG boy!

 Watching Woody spin on the Zoomer.

 Stevie showing Ethan how to dance on the Wii

 Ethan not liking the green beans.

Stevie showing Ethan the phone and how it works. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sitting up

 Stevie got these animals from Great Grandma, which he loves! He loves playing with animals and cars. Such a cutie!

 My Great Grandma had some Fiestaware that she didn't use, so she decided to give it to me. She had quite a few different colors and then Younkers had a sale , so I bought a few more to complete the set. I thought I wanted all one color, but I really like all the different colors. Beautiful! The red on top is more red, in the picture is looks pink. Love it! New dishes to eat off of for the Lent season! We decided to give up all processed food and doing all natural. So far so good, quite a change.

The few past weeks Ethan has been learning how to sit up. He does a great job, still a little wobbly and needs pillows around him to catch his fall- just in case. He is such  a big boy and goes in for his 6 month check up this week, can't believe it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great Grandma Prasch's 90th Birthday!

Well we all went on a road trip to Lexington, NE to visit some family and to celebrate Grandma Prasch's birthday. She is a little forgetful, but enjoyed all the company at her care home.
 Ethan and I playing around!


 My cute chubs! Uncle Jason and Ethan meeting for the first time

 Sydney and Cassie

 Blowing bubbles

 Grandma Betty

 Her gift below of all of her great grandchildren

 Grandma and some of her boys, Steve and Dave 

 All of Steve's kids with Grandma Betty

 Grandma with her grandkids and great grandkids

 Cuz Becky and one of the twins

 Swimming at the hotel, Stevie wasn't too sure about the water. But he went to his cousin Rachel to get in.