Friday, February 3, 2012

Ethan's Tubes

I have been meaning to post, but have been really busy. Ethan got tubes, Stevie sprained his ankle, and I have been feeling somewhat sick with the weather changing. Anyways, Ethan has had fluid in his ears for the past 4 months almost and medication wouldn't get rid of it. So the ENT thought the best ideas was to do tubes. He has been doing much better since he got them, but still continues to get up in the middle of the night. Hopefully soon he will learn how to sleep through the night, its just a matter of time. Stevie sprained his ankle at daycare because he was making poor choices by jumping off the furniture. He didn't seem in too much pain and was limping around for 3 days.
 Ethan before surgery, he wasn't very happy since he couldn't eat anything after midnight.

 All done and back in Mommy's arms!

 At home resting and relaxing

 Stevie messing around with Mommy's sunglasses
 Learning how to sit up.

 He looks so much like Daddy here
Daddy messing around with the camera, still trying to figure everything out. :)