Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Thankful Tree

For the month of November each night at dinner we all said what we were thankful for. It was really beautiful to see what the boys said each night. Actually Ethan doesn't really say much, but he does point and we also picked things that he was really interested in that night. Stevie would help me tape up the leaves after we filled them out. The tree was an idea from pinterest, next year when we do it, I think I will use thinner branches, we almost did everyday, I think we missed 2 or 3 days. Not bad. Here are some things that the boys were thankful for...

Some of Stevie's thankful leaves...
My daddy, my mommy, my Ethan (he would always say "my"- it was so cute), cows ,spiderman, my kids, water, and family

Some of Ethan's thankful leaves...
OralGel, ham, books, mama, dada, pie, dance, milk, and  outdoors