Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lesley's Surprise Party

Tonight we ask if Steph could babysit the boys and she was willing.(So sweet of her!) Stephen and I went to Lesley's surprise party that Drew set up for her. I was in charge of getting her to Valentino's. I called her around 5pm and told her that I had locked my keys in my van  and that we needed her to come pick up one of us up to go get our spare key. Drew texted me and was like she has no idea... and saying I told Jen I would help her if she ever needed it. God love her!! She is such a good friend! So around 5:30 she arrived and was surprised to find a wonderful party for her 30th! Ashley was in charge of decorating and the facebook invite and Drew organized the whole thing. It was well done!! After dinner we all went bowling. Fun night with great friends!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Player's Club Family Fun Night

Tonight was the Player's Club family fun night. We went a little later this year than the last due to having 3 kiddos. We ate dinner at home and then took the boys to run around and play on the golf course. Stephen took us on a ride to show us his course, it is amazing. He has a beautiful office and does amazing work!! The boys had fun and Noah just hung out in the carrier. When the fireworks started, Stevie got scared, then Ethan got scared as well. So we moved back a little and into the back of our van to help them feel a little less scared. A fun and tiring night. :)