Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ethan's 4th Birthday!!!

Today we celebrated Ethan's 4th Birthday. His actual bday was the same day as his party. He took donuts to preschool, which he picked and loved. This morning, he had soccer and liked it, but then it was too long, so not sure how the next one will go. He wanted a Transformer cake, but they were out so he picked out a Batman cake again...either way he was happy about it. He got two different kinds of ice cream for his party and said he wanted a lot of presents. He got a lot....clothes, fort set, shark car track, playdoh, fish game, and much more.  After his party, we went to Burger King for dinner and played in the play area. Great night. Can't believe he is 4, love him!!

Some of Ethan's favorites;
Color: Yellow and Black
Movie: Hotwheels
Book: Dinosaur books
Food: Pancakes with Blueberries
Sayings: "Doesn't that sound like a great idea? How about we do that?"
Activities: building a fort, coloring, cars, riding his bike, wrestling with Daddy, and coloring