Saturday, March 11, 2017

Noah's Bday Party!!

Today was Noah's birthday party. He wanted a Superman cake and blue ice cream. He got a lot of awesome presents; superman, hot wheels, ball, clothes, and much more. He had a tough time blowing out the candles since they were far away, but managed to get them out.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Noah turns 4!!

Can't believe that Noah is 4 years old today. He is so full of life! Noah wanted chicken nuggets for dinner and then we just played at home. Steve stopped by since he won't be able to make it to his party. Noah had a wonderful day, he took Superman cupcakes and wore a crown all day. Love him!
Some of Noah's favorites:
Color: Blue and green
food: chicken nuggets
book: hot wheels....he says
Candy: skittles
Song: Can't stop this feeling
Animal: Zebra
Hobbie: playing hot wheels, superman, and playing catch

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Finally it's sledding time!!!!!

We finally got enough snow to go sledding! We had a snow day Friday and went sledding on Saturday morning and afternoon since it will probably be the first and last time for sledding. Can't believe we haven't really had much snow this year, but glad we got a chance to get out. It was a lot of fun, the boys had fun and even got some hot chocolate when we were done!