Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve we went to Julie and Aaron's house for pulled pork sandwiches and fun. We didn't stay too long since everyone in our family is a little under the weather. (my reason as to why there are not many pictures) Ethan has an ear infection and the rest of us have colds with sore throats.  Stevie played cars while the rest of us chatted and hung out. We ended up leaving around 9 and everyone was in bed by the time we got home. We all need to get better before we head back to work and daycare.

 Below Peyton taking a picture of Gabe, Ethan, and I. Not too bad, she got part of my head. lol

 Over my winter break, I wanted to introduce the BIG boy bed to Stevie. So far this past week and half he has done really well. He hasn't tried to get out and adjusted wonderfully! Here he is taking his afternoon nap. Such a cutie with all his blankets.