Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cousin Heidi and Brian's Wedding

Last night my cousin Heidi got married! We took both of the boys, which was insane! Stevie couldn't sit for the wedding ceremony so Stephen took him to the basement to play ball while Ethan and I watched the ceremony. Next time I will plan for a babysitter.  It was a beautiful wedding and reception. We got to see family that we don't get to see very often and danced the night a way. Well, we didn't dance for too long since the boys were getting tired.

 Stevie saying "Cheese" as I am taking the picture. He is starting to say more words. 
Some are; more, cheese, up, get up, milk, help, hot, truck, car, yee haw!, yeah, oh cool (one of my favorites) So he is getting there, just on his time. I know he is smart because he can do so many things. All in good time.

 This would have been a great family picture if Stevie wasn't coughing. Oh well! We all look great!
 Stevie and Stevie
My Uncle's son-- Don't they look cute!

 Grandpa and Ethan!

 Heidi and Brian- so cute and happy. She looked amazing! Also their reception was at the Paxton Ballroom, great place. If you get a chance eat at their restaurant, yum!
 Too cute!

 Aunt Ann and Ethan
 My other boys! Stevie is so cute and my hubby is so HOT!!
 Stevie dancing! He is such a good dancer! I believe he gets it from his mama!

 Stephen took video of him dancing, I am so bummed that it didn't turn out. It is way TOO DARK to see anything. He did an awesome job, lots of people were impressed at his skills.

 All the Luers' family dancing! 

 Uncle Paul, Faye and Tiffney

 Even Grandma got down on the floor!