Saturday, March 10, 2012

Basketball/ Stephen's Beard

Today Stevie got some new sunglasses and played basketball outside with Daddy. Ethan watched from the sidelines and played with Grandma. Julie, Mom, and I went to "Rock of Ages"- it was amazing! Loved the show while the boys had a Daddy Day!
 Stevie and his Aunt Julie
 Grandma and Ethan

 Stevie and Julie's cute little prego belly.

 Playing ball

 Airborne by Daddy!
 My Husband, the mountain man! This is what I have to deal with throughout the winter- a lovely beard! Well, tonight we decided to shave it off, but we thought we would have some fun with it. Pictures below show all kinds of Stephens with different facial hair looks!
 Full Beard
 The chinstrap

Circle Beard
 Fu Manchu
 Just a mustache
There's my husband!