Saturday, May 12, 2012


        This morning we played with our toys as usual, but Stevie built this awesome car with his legos! He is so creative and did pretty much all of it on his own. At the beginning he asked me to help him connect the two wheelie legos together and that was pretty much it!! I then turned to watch Ethan and tried to get him to pull himself up on the lego box because Jessica (daycare/friend) said and he has pulled himself up...which I have yet to see. :) Also I was helping him grab Legos that were okay for him to mouth because that where everything goes these days. I looked back at Stevie to see what he was doing which was creating this cool car thing.  I ran to get my camera because I have to document all the amazing moments. Pretty cool, maybe he will become an engineer someday.

 The boys made these at daycare for me for Mother's Day! Love it!