Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day!!! Today we let Daddy sleep in and then when he came downstairs we had him open his card and gift. It was some new gym shorts for him to use when he plays basketball on Mondays. Stephen is the best day ever! He is always helping the boys, teaching to them, playing with them constantly, reading books, and much more. I couldn't ask for a better Dad, he is truly the greatest man ever! I hope and pray that our boys turn out just like him. We also went for a walk to the park and to the shoe store. He then got a new pair of shoes and we came home and made waffles! During nap time, he went to the College World Series with his Dad and brother. For dinner we ate steak, one of his favorites and topped it off with a Dairy Queen cake!! Love you Stephen!

In his new shorts.

 Going for a walk and to the park

 Daddy pushing his cute boys

 His lunch and dinner! Yum!!!
 Daddy's new shoes

 The cake, of course I didn't get a picture of the whole thing, dang it! It was really cute, it had a Superman logo on it for super Dad.