Saturday, January 19, 2013

Painting Class at Hobby Lobby

Today I went to a painting class at Hobby Lobby. It has been about 4 years since I have painted and I have never really done much with Landscape. Hobby Lobby has a class once or twice a month for Bob Ross painting. I thought it would be fun for me to take to get some "me time" before the baby arrives. It was amazing. It started at 9:30 and went until 3:30, we did get a lunch break. It reminded me how much fun and frustrating painting can be. There is so much about painting that I need to learn though. In high school I took art classes but never just a painting class. I would certainly recommend others to take the class. The picture that I did doesn't look exactly as the one they showed. One reason is this was my first time plus I wanted my painting to be more "bright" than dark. Great experience and I don't think it came out too bad. Hopefully my uncle will like it and they also had a drawing for the instructor's painting- which I won!!