Monday, January 21, 2013

Riding the Bike/Painting

It has been really cold lately, so we brought in Stevie's bike. The boys like to ride it around the house. They do pretty well with not running into things, of course Ethan has to have help because the seat is too high for his little legs to reach the floor. We could lower it, but then Stevie would have a hard time riding. Plus they don't ride it that much because when they start to fight over it, we take it away. Yep, fighting over the toys and things has started. Also we decided to paint with watercolors tonight. They enjoyed painting their pictures, Ethan liked to put the brush in his mouth and Stevie had fun experimenting with the paint. They are too cute! Also you will see one of our walls looks awful, that's because we are redoing it. Can't wait for it to be finished, the boys took the horrible wallpaper off for us!