Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bike Races/ Starting our Bedroom Dresser

Well, we went to the Bike Races and ate some yummy food. I can't believe how fast they go, about 40mph! It was cool to see, Stevie enjoyed walking around and looking at everything. He ate a corndog and eventually fell asleep in the stroller.
 The ride to the races

 A new toy!
 Our starting point for the dresser, this wood needs everything done  to it, you can buy it already sanded, cut to thickness, and squared, but it will cost you 4 times as much!
 Walt using the Wood Planer machine
 His amazing shop!!!
 Me, using the yellow machine below, this machine helps you work the wood down to the thickness that  you want and its very loud! We didn't get too far today, but we got a start. We mainly got the 4 end posts for the dresser ready, they need a few more things done and the face frames ready. When I came last year to do the night stands, I didn't realize what kind of work you had to do to the wood to make it look so good. It is a BIG process, but it makes you appreciate ALL the work you have done when its finished! More photos as we keep working this week.