Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday was Father's Day! Stephen's Dad, Steve was in town. They decided to go to the College World Series with his sister and her husband (Kris and Clay) Stephen wanted to take Stevie, but that was just going to be too long of a day for him. So we went to the park, played, and met up with Daddy for dinner. He wanted to go to HuHot and it was very yummy. I gave him my camera so he could take pictures for me.
 Daddy and Stevie!

 Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 Waiting on Steve to catch up, because he likes to wander
 This is a 2 year old who is actually hitting the ball when it comes, pretty amazing.
 The new ballpark.

 After dinner, Stevie making a funny face and noises with his mouth.