Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ethan's Baptism

Today Ethan was baptized! We had lots of friends and family over after church for yummy Valtentino's food. It was a blessing of a day!
 Stevie and Daddy all dressed up for Ethan's special day! Don't they look cute!

 Ethan in his suit and sleeping before we go into church
 His rock that gets tossed into the well and the holy water


 In name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit

 Drew and Lesley Andersen below (Godparents)

 Our family, the best picture we could get at this time. Stevie just wouldn't pose for a picture, he is ALWAYS on the move.  And Ethan was getting hungry. Stephen and I both wore orange and didn't realize it until we got to church. Too funny.

 Pastor Mark

 Flowers from Stephen's best friend, Josh