Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Cards

Well, I got the Christmas cards sent out. I tried to take pictures of the boys together and it didn't work very well so I did them individually. Instead of having pictures professionally taken, we just went with having me do it. Worked out good and ended up being cheaper!:) We sent them only to family members, so please don't get bent out of shape if I didn't send you one, I am sorry plus we have a lot of family members. I loved the envelopes, I put  the boys' foot prints on them. Ethan was fine while I did it and Stevie cried the whole time because God forbid that he hold still for a Below you will see an example, but I didn't show an actual one because I didn't want to put anyone's address online so I put the one that we are keeping.

 Stevie sitting in the bumbo seat, too funny

 Ethan is getting so big  so fast!

 My camera keeps doing this, uggg! I need to buy a new one, but I just don't want to do it right now, plus I want a good one since I use it all the time and I want it to last. Maybe next year's black Friday. :)
 Stevie playing computer games, he saw me use the mouse and is attempting to use it here. He is so smart, still doesn't use many words. But he is a smart kid!