Tuesday, April 10, 2012


 Saturday night we had our friend's wedding. Here I am going down the slide before I change into my dress as we wait for Grandma and Grandpa. Stevie wanted me to go down every time, it was fun!

 Stephen and I at the wedding. Stephen holding our Godson, Isaac below.
 We love babies so much...lol Isaac is a cutie and so long. He is 5 weeks younger than Ethan, but taller. Ethan has more weight though..lol

 Carole and Tony...the happy couple

 On Easter Sunday, we all went down to the Link for Church service and then we ate at WheatFields for lunch...YUMMY!!

 Ethan was a trooper!

 Let the games begin...all the kids ready for the Easter egg hunt, except Ethan..he was napping.

 Stevie loved finding the eggs and wanted to do more after we finished.

 Daddy making him find a hard one. :)