Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day we hung out at home. We got out the baby pool and enjoyed the sunlight. We grilled chicken for dinner, took naps, and played with toys. Nothing too exciting, just good old family fun.
 Stevie wasn't so sure about the pool yet.

 Starting to get use to it.

 Now we are having fun!

 This was after nap time and we decided to play outside, Stevie jumped into the  pool wanting to swim some
 Daddy got in with him again!

 Dinner outside, perfect night!

 We emptied it before dinner and Stevie was hoping to swim again!! LOL

Aunt & Uncle's 25th Anniversary Party

My Aunt Linda and Uncle Gary celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a wonderful party. We drove to Crete, NE to celebrate with them. Stevie got a birthday present from Ronnie and Sue. The boys played while we visited with everyone. :)
 Some of the yummy goodies and Grandma refusing to look at the camera

 Stevie having a bugle experience

 a present for Stevie from Aunt and Uncle

 Family! Ronnie, Jessica, and my Dad. Sue below

 Georgia, Jessica, and Rich above

 Linda and Gary!! The happy Couple

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sydney's Soccer Game

Last night was Sydney's last soccer game! The boys and I ventured out to see her play. She is very good. So proud to cheer her on. It was a very windy game and luckily the rain held off until later.

 Getting ready to watch the game

 warming up

 going in for a goal

 taking a break

 Looking good Sydney!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stevie flying a kite!!!

Today after dinner we went for a walk up to the school to fly Stevie's Superman kite. It was really windy, probably a little too windy...but overall it was a great short adventure for my little guy. Ethan watched in Mommy's arms while Daddy and Stevie took off with the kite. Stevie loved it!!
 Best $1.26 spent at Walmart, with this wind it didn't even break! We folded it up and will  be able to use it again! Not bad!

 Ethan trying to get in on the action. :0

 Daddy showing Stevie how to do it.

 Stevie taking over!
 Yeah!! He's doing it all by himself!!!

 Way to go Stevie!!!

 Can't believe how high he got it!

 Trying to get it  back in the air.

Tomorrow is the boys last day at daycare and then they are home with me for the summer. I made some treats for them to take on their last day...the pudding dirt cups...YUM! I used Gerber baby food plastic cups from Ethan's baby food (of course I washed them first.) and made each kid their own individual cup. It is a great serving size with a nice lid. Also a perfect way to reuse them!