Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shannon's 30th Party/Boys

My co-worker/friend Shannon turns 30 next Wednesday and we decided to go out last night to celebrate. We started off at Upstream with some pizza and others just had drinks. We visited and chatted, then headed off  to some other places. Downtown was packed because of Cinco de Mayo so we ventured  to places we could get into that didn't have a long wait. We ended up spending most of the night at Whiskey Tango where we danced the night a way. We had lots of fun and my feet are killing me from my heels.

 Tamy, Shannon, and Kristine
 A friend of Shannon's


 Us girls having a blast!

 Mickey, Tamy, and Kristine and all of us below

 Kristine standing by the "Patrick's Market" sign ...her hubby's name is Patrick

 A cake her friend, Katie made..she couldn't come out.
 The boys being cute!
 Playing outside, we put Ethan in the pack n'play so he could be outside with and of course Stevie wanted to go in!

 giving some brotherly love

 Ethan is starting to look so big and old now. My baby is growing so fast.

 a little too much