Saturday, June 30, 2012

4th of July Party at Mo'

We went to Mo and Jim's 4th of July party tonight!! We usually do this every 4th of July, but this year the 4th in on a Wed, so they moved it to tonight to fit everyones' needs. It was a blast and really HOT!!!  We ate yummy food, played with a truck and sand, and watched 45 minutes worth of fireworks!!! Ethan's first 4th of July party!! He wasn't really a fan and fell asleep during them. Stevie kept saying, "Wow, Cool fireworks, More" Both of them were very good and we enjoyed seeing many friends. Julie, Aaron, and the kids came out too, but left before the fireworks due to preggers getting too hot.  Poor sis, she did good though!!

 Stevie dancing while I try to put on his pjs

 Ethan not enjoying the fireworks.

 Stevie finally eating a taco the right way!