Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ethan's Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Ethan's first birthday, his actual birthday is next Wednesday, but we decided to have it earlier. We had family and friends over for lunch, presents, cake, and ice cream. We served lasagna, a salad bar, and bread sticks. Our theme was  a Husker Party since football season is coming up. We all wore Husker clothing and had a football cupcake cake! Ethan got many birthday presents. He got clothes, sippy cups, cars, and much more. He really enjoyed his cupcake and got green frosting everywhere. It was a great party, can't believe he is gonna be one! He is getting so big. Love you ETHAN!!
 Party invites!
 The Grandmas

 Some Family

 Ethan wanting to open some gifts
 Stevie was trying to give Brenden a car to play with and Brenden was being very shy. I was very proud of Stevie, he kept saying "play car." Melts my heart.

 Opening presents

 Our Family
 First time with cake!

 loving it!

 Getting muddy before nap time!