For the 4th of July, Stephen and I decided to stay in town for our own little family party. For the first part of theday we went to the Zoo. The boys had a blast looking at all of the animals and even got face painting done. Stevie picked out a snake and Ethan picked out a turtle, and I got a butterfly. After the zoo we headed to King Kong for lunch. I have never been there and plus it was close to the zoo. Yummy and very BIG burgers! The boys got hot dogs and Noah watched as we all ate. We then headed home for a afternoon nap. We all then got up and headed to Dairy Queen for snack time. Stevie got chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and Ethan got a waffle brownie sundae, which we all shared. After our yummy snack we went to get some fireworks. Once we got our firework, we went home to do the slippin slide and to light off our fireworks! It was a great and late night. The boys really enjoyed all the fun. Stevie did his first sparkler. He did okay, but then said he didn't want to do it anymore, which was fine.