Monday, May 9, 2016
Surprise! BABY #5...WHAT?
Well, we got a surprise from God back in March....we are going to have another baby! Stephen and I were really shocked because we thought we were done.... I have gotten rid of all my maternity clothes and baby gear....we don't really have much except for the crib, that is because Josiah still sleeps in it. We are thrilled for our bundle of joy and know that God always provides. I am due in November and we will find out in July if it's a boy or a girl. I think it's a girl, but then again I have been wrong before...SO we will see. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. I have been very sick this past 6 weeks and just starting to feel better. I can't really have any tomato based stuff, mainly want rice with butter or ice cream, also loving fruit. So excited and still a little shocked.