Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lesley's Baby Shower!

My best friend, Lesley is finally pregnant! She is the one in the "Love" shirt, which I am sure you already knew. Jessica, Heidi, and I threw her a baby shower today! It was so much fun!!! So happy and excited for her!!!
 The wonderful and yummy cake done by Sam's!
 Playing baby shower games. Everyone had to guess how big her tummy was with toilet paper squares and at the end I measured her to find the winner! She was 12 whole squares! A fun and easy game!

 The famous "Candy bar" diapers game. Lesley was so funny, she thought you had to taste them in order to figure out which candy bar was used! We are not that mean, plus that would make the game a little easier!

 Lots of presents and people showed up! It was a great turn out!!
 Some of the gifts, below is a painting done on a leaf! The gift was mainly for her husband, Drew. It was wonderfully done, I need to find out this guy's name, such a unique and great gift idea!!

Lesley and Drew are doing the baby's room in giraffes, it will be absolutely adorable, can't wait to see it!
All the pregos at the shower! Starting from the left:
Amanda due Aug. 19, having a girl;  Me due Sept. 2, boy;  Ashley due Sept. 26, boy;  Lesley due Oct. 25, finding out when she delivers; Madison due Nov. 27, boy

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dinner with Friends

Last night we  went to Malvern, Iowa to visit some friends from our church. They asked us over for dinner before we have the next baby since it would be a while for us to really go any where. Bill and Mary Jane served great food..BBQ Pork..yum! Becky lives down the street and she came over too. They all go to our church. Bill was one of our instructors when Stephen and I took a class a couple of years ago at our church and we've been friends ever since.

 Stephen and Bill

 Mary Jane reading Stevie a book

 Stevie was dancing for everyone, it was really cute!
 Hanging with Becky

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kelly and Tommy's Wedding

Last night Stephen and I went to my coworker/friend's wedding. My sister watched Stevie all day and night, bless her heart.  I didn't get any pictures during the ceremony, but took some at the reception. We had a blast and I enjoyed seeing my teacher friends before we head back for a new school year.
 Mickey, Me, Shannon, and Ali at a bar before the reception
 Mickey, Bobbi, Me, Shannon, Ali, Richelle, and Penny
 The happy couple!

 Some of the Portal staff

 Dancing the night away!!

 Quite a few of us wore black dresses, I guess we thought if her bridesmaids bailed on her, we would all step in! LOL
 Laura splashing the black with a little pink!

 The 4th Grade team!
 Gettin' our groove on!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Stephen!!!

Stephen turned 31 yesterday! We usually have a BBQ party, but this year we decided to keep it low key and just go out to dinner with a few friends. We all went to Outback Steakhouse and then came back to our place for the yummy ice cream cake that I only make once a year. Stephen had a great birthday and he told me he didn't really want anything, but I had to get him something.. I got him a new Wii game, Masters (a golf game for the Wii)  Nothing too big, but at least it was something that he liked. We plan on playing it tonight after we put Stevie to bed.
 Sydney and Faith posing for the camera
 Jessica and Sam
 Aaron and Julie
 Lesley and Me, Drew her husband couldn't come until later.
 The Birthday Boy and me (I absolutely hate my hair, remind me to never do it  that way again!)
 Stevie eating some fruit

 I love this one of the kids!
 This was NOT enough crab legs, but I had to settled for it..they were yummy!

 Stevie sitting on the sofa watching Toy Story for a while
 The yummy ice cream cake!