Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kelly and Tommy's Wedding

Last night Stephen and I went to my coworker/friend's wedding. My sister watched Stevie all day and night, bless her heart.  I didn't get any pictures during the ceremony, but took some at the reception. We had a blast and I enjoyed seeing my teacher friends before we head back for a new school year.
 Mickey, Me, Shannon, and Ali at a bar before the reception
 Mickey, Bobbi, Me, Shannon, Ali, Richelle, and Penny
 The happy couple!

 Some of the Portal staff

 Dancing the night away!!

 Quite a few of us wore black dresses, I guess we thought if her bridesmaids bailed on her, we would all step in! LOL
 Laura splashing the black with a little pink!

 The 4th Grade team!
 Gettin' our groove on!!