Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Celebrating Christmas!

Last Saturday we celebrated Christmas with Stephen's Dad's side of the family. We had it at our house and made an awesome meal, which ran a little later than we had anticipated. Either way it was yummy!

 This was the day before, Ethan falling asleep and also showing off his rolls.

 The Prime Rib

 Jake refusing to face the camera

 Sydney, Steph, Kris and Nick
 Oh, Christmas Tree!
 Wyatt trying to pull out Sydney's tooth
 Awe, Jake is holding Ethan!
 Attempting at family pictures in front of the tree, I'm looking terrible!

 My camera being a pain in the butt! Kris had Steph make these- Love it! Looks amazing on our table, she also took the picture! :)

  All my boys got Husker gear!
 These are all done with Kris's camera.. one of these days I will own one.

 My son the dare devil that he is!

The best one so far of the family!