Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Well we had our annual Christmas cookie baking day. Paula makes all of the dough, we cut the cookies, and all decorate. We made fudge, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, sugar, and gingerbread. We had a great time. Stevie ran around, he is not interested in decorating yet, but did mange to eat a cookie. :0 Ethan took a nap and the rest of us worked.

 Beautiful Christmas Tree made out of old Jewelry.  Paula made this with her mother's and grandmother's old jewelry, I had to share it. Such a cool idea!

 This is only some of the cookies, trust me we had a lot more than this! I should have taken a picture of all the ones  we had!
 The girls getting ready to decorate.

 All the stocking, everyones has one hanging, just waiting to be filled by Santa

 Working hard, blow is a design I saw on pinterest while we were decorating. This is my attempt at it using a butter knife and a peanut m&m instead of a plain one. Not bad

 Abstract and below we added hearts to our Xmas cookies, gotta have a little love around the holidays!

 Some of the cookies, not even close to what we did. The girls did a great job decorating!

Wanted to share this. A fun and easy way to hold all of your necklaces. A glass vase/jar with a cork and screw in hooks. Cheap and looks great on a dresser. People always like it when they see, so I thought I would share. Easy to do and allows them to not get tangled.