Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day!!! (Stephen's Mom side)

We spend Christmas day with Stephen's Mom side of the family! We hang out, open presents, eat prime rib, and play wii! :) We have been playing the Wii for the last few years together.. it is fun when we all get together. We also play "spoons" the night before, but I went to bed before all of the that.. too tired. Ethan is still getting up twice a night so its very important for me to sleep when he is sleeping or else I am way TOO exhausted.
 Ethan and Grandma Barb
 The Palm tree Christmas tree

 gotta love my camera! Reading about the meaning of Christmas!

 Opening more presents!

 This is the Sweater that Rachel got and then Stevie ruined! :(

 This is what happens when you are not watching your son. He got a hold of some nail polish and broke it open. He wasn't hurt by the glass, thank goodness! But he did get it all over Paula's floor, fire place ledge, and Rachel's new sweater.

 Giving some brotherly love!
 playing wii golf

 Jewelry boxes that Grandpa Walt made for the ladies. Amazingly done! Can't wait to fill it up, gonna have to go to Charming Charlies' and also pick out some more diamonds for Stephen to get me! I am so spoiled!!!

 Playing restaurant with Sydney! She was our waiter while we sat at the table!

 Stevie riding Maddox again!