Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas (The Luers- Jen's)

On Christmas Eve morning we all piled up in the van and drove to Lincoln to celebrate Christmas with more family. On Christmas Eve we celebrate with my side of the family- we ALL get together in my parent's house and have a good ole fun time. We eat turkey, prime rib, and many more fixin's. When  we got there we went to visit Santa, I have photos from the Santa shack..just not ones on my camera. Stevie was not willing to sit on his lap, so Mama sat on Santa and he sat on her lap. :) Ethan was perfectly fine with it, but he is still really little to know. We went and ate lunch at Panera then headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's for nap time. The evening is where the craziness begins. Its usually about 30 of us in my parents' house! The kids all get gifts and we play Christmas BINGO where everyone brings in wrapped prizes. We label them boy, girl, or kids. Some have cool money, lottery tickets, coffee mugs,steaks, etc... and some are gag gifts... like a snuggie... and much more! Lots of fun! The boys enjoyed all the action. Stevie ran around with many balls that he had gotten in his gifts and Ethan enjoyed being held by all.

 All the Bingo prize.. lots to win!

 The house starting to fill up!

 Let the games begin!

 This is a scalp massager.. very fun to do on the boys' head!

 Opening presents for Ethan
 Stevie learning how to rip them open!

 More Toy Story and Curious George!

 trying to keep Ethan up

 Time for family photos in front of the tree!!

 The de Monbruns/Prasch  
Also expecting a baby in July 2012, gonna be an aunt again! Yeah!!
 The Youngs

 The H's
 The Paulsen's
 The Paulsen/Burris
 My Parents
 The Prasch/Luers/ de Monbrun
 The Grandkids, Great Grandkids, and Grandma!

 Praciticing...hopefully they will be expanding soon! :)
Oh so tired!